Sonic on the siga genisis

so i got the epic sega gensis and i got sonic wit it. I got this for my christmas which was kewl. I slammed the thing i got for christmas in and started playn. There was a flash at the beggining making it look all bloodi and scarey. I ignord it assuming it was a colour glitcsh. So i gnored the flash at the beggining making it look all bloodi and scarey and started playing on grien hills. I did finished it and saw some flashes like the one at the beggining making it look all bloodi and scarey. I got onto the nex level and it wasnt what i expected. It looked like I was playing Sonic.exe that those youtubes make vids on them. It was just it but mad into a cartridghe. So i decided to quit and it wodint wurk. I smashed the cartridge, smash genesis, burnt the house down too! I phoned my wifi peeps to turn my wifi off and it worked but sonic looked angry and he was dragging a bloody tayls across the floor trying to go out my tv and it worked and he got out my tv and i was scared. I ran out the house and he followed and he destroyed the universe and galaxy and solar system and solarsystem and planets and earth. I was scared and got in my car and saw sonic in the car behind me. I escaped he followed i chucked gas on him he died he came back to life he gave up and i died. now i type dis in hell i am scared i wonder whn i die